Meet the team that takes care of your business

Our team is committed to provide full eCommerce service to our clients.

We are here for you.

Meet the team that takes care of your business

Here's what NB SOFT team said about their part in your business:

“Believe in what you do and it will happen. As a professional, your goal must be to be better today than you were yesterday, and better tomorrow than you are today.”

Founder & CEO

01 Aleksandar Nastevski
02 Founder & CEO
03 Senior PHP Developer
04 System Architect
05 Transfer offline solutions online
06 To be better today than you were yesterday
07 Loves skiing

Solving our clients’ problems is a challenge for us. A job well done reflects in the satisfaction of our clients and their employees during operative utilization of our platform.
Back-end Team

01 Bojan Simic
02 Senior PHP Developer
03 Back-end Team Lead
04 14 years in IT
05 Development of progressive solutions
06 Every problem has a solution
07 Loves plane tracking

Since the very first day of NB Soft, he has been engaged in development and improvement of NB SHOP platform. While focused on spreading high spirits in the team, his main objective is to provide impeccable service to the clients and as simple purchase as possible to their customers by following the global trends.
Front-end Team

01 Jovan Cvetkovic
02 Senior Front-end Developer
03 Front-end Team Lead
04 10 years in IT
05 Mobile-first Approach
06 Everything can be improved
07 Passionate gamer

Every new client’s request is a new challenge.  Great communication with our clients combined with extensive work experience results in effective and long term solutions.

01 Tamara Bozic
02 Digital Marketing Manager
03 5 years in Marketing
04 Certified Google Ads Professional
05 eCommerce digital marketing
06 Think like a customer
07 A dog person, loves hanging out by the river

NB SHOP platform is recognized as a high quality, stable, long term solution by many companies, both eCommerce novels and those who want to improve existing online business.  With innovation, teamwork and Think Outside The Box approach as a crucial part of company culture, NB SOFT is ready to meet every demand and overcome all challenges.
Back-end Team

01 Jovan Stojic
02 Senior PHP Developer
03 Back-end Team Leader
04 10 years in IT
05 Persistence, will and faith – trio for success
06 Loves challenges and satisfied clients
07 The one with nature

Our goal is to enable our clients to manage online sales rapidly and productively. My greatest contribution is based on integrations and implementation of our system and systems used by our clients. I do my best every day to improve our platform and help clients so that we can achieve our objectives together!
Back-end Team

01  Blagoje Nastevski
02  Senior PHP Developer
03  Back-end Team Leader
04  11 years in IT
05  Development and implementation
06  There are no problems, only challenges
07  Likes sports, especially football

Following world trends and modern technologies, NB SHOP platform provides quick, simple and reliable online shopping to its customers. NB SHOP is integrated with numerous business systems, courier services and online payment systems which ensures business flexibility and contributes to pleasing the clients’ highest criteria.
eCommerce Support

01  Dejan Mitevski
02  Support Specialist - Team Lead
03  12 years in customer support
04  Customer Support
05  Webshop administration
06  Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in
07  Loves nature and family walks

I provide support to our clients when it comes to configuring new web shops and maintaining the existing ones. Their positive feedback and satisfaction is our greatest motive to work and develop NB SHOP even more. Their satisfaction is the best portrayal of our efforts and they are our best advocates. 

01  Marko Cvijić
02  Digital Marketing Director
03  From SEO to PPC, email and ABM
04  15 years of experience
05  Organizing processes for more effective digital campaigns
06  Loves to cook, mostly Mediterranean cuisine

I have been working with NB SOFT since the very beginning of the company. From 2022. I'm working in-house on the improvement of processes in digital campaigns and the maximum strengthening of the NB SHOP platform from the technical SEO aspect. The focus is on maximizing sales for clients using state-of-the-art digital campaigns.
Back-end Team

01  Zoran Đoković
02  PHP Developer
03 15 years in IT
04  Optimising advanced solutions
05  Enjoys both Back-End and Front-end development
06  Everything must load in 3 seconds
07  If he is not coding, he is on two wheels

My primary role in NB SHOP is platform development and optimization. My goal is to lead the customer to desired products as easy as possible and to present the vendor in its best possible light to their customers.
Front-end Team

01  Sanja Mijatović
02  Key Account Manager
03  Key Account Team Leader
04  10 years in IT
05  Project Management
06 Teamwork makes the dream work.
07  Loves sports and nature.

My personal aspiration is to educate myself, improve my knowledge and to research new technologies and to use obtained knowledge to make improvements in NB SHOP platform.
Android / iOS

01  Srđan Đukanović
02  Android/ iOS programmer
03  Mobile Developers Team
04  Native React
05  Mobile app development
06  Always try to be better
07  Loves sports, motorbikes and travels

My job is to transfer and adjust design and functionalities from websites to mobile applications aiming to provide excellence in terms of user experience to our clients.
Front-end Team

01 Nevena Jovanovic
02 Front-end Programmer
03 Front-end Team Member
04 9 years in IT
05 Production and platform maintenance
06 Your only limit is your mind
07 Loves music and travelling

My contribution to NB SHOP platform is coding visual elements used for interaction with the website. Adjustments in design and its transfer to the website is one of my main tasks as a front-end team member, as well as optimization and visibility of the website on different browsers and devices, giving our customers the best user experience.
Back-end Team

01 Miloš Ilić
02 Junior PHP Programmer
03 Back-end Team Member
04 8 years in IT
05 Optimization and development of new solutions
06 Create your future
07 Loves books, TV shows and football

As a member of the back-end team, I take part in integration of NB SHOP platform with ERP systems, payment systems and courier services. In addition to that, I work on development and optimizing NB SHOP platform, as well as on development of exceptional solutions for our clients.
Back-end Team

01  Stefan Stojanovic
02  Junior PHP Programmer
03  Back-end Team Member
04  7 years in IT
05  Development of new modules
06  Where there's a will there's a way
07  Loves movies and tv shows

NB SHOP platform provides solutions that improve online businesses of many companies. Every member of NB SOFT team gives his best to make the work on the platform efficient and rapid.

01  Olivera Nastevska
02  Administration and finances 
03  10 years in finances
04  Experienced in digital journalism 
05  The one taking care of the bills
06  ...that one piece of paper is never missing! 
07  Loves birds, books, summer and the sea

Though indirectly, she gives a great contribution to NB SHOP platform, by supporting her colleagues and making their work environment pleasant and their days enjoyable. She doesn’t know how NB SHOP platform works, but she knows that the users of the platform are always satisfied.

01  Jelena Đuričanin
02  Performance Marketing Team Lead
03  Bachelor's degree in Organisational Sciences 
04  6 years in digital marketing
05  Marketing campaign design and optimisation
06  Organisation is the key to success
07  Volleyball player who loves travelling

Our satisfied clients and successfully resolved daily challenges motivate us to be better in what we do and improve the NB SHOP platform constantly. In this way, we provide the latest solutions in the eCommerce.
Content & Implementation

01 Željka Stanišić
02 Master Engineer of Organizational Sciences
03 Key Account Manager
04 10 years in client relations
05 Implementation of website content
06 Do not seek flaws, seek solutions. 
07 Loves traveling and shopping

The pleasant experience of our end-users and the prevalence of our e-commerce solutions come as a result of the hard work of our team. I play the part of introducing our clients to the features within the NB SHOP platform and to illustrate their impact on our clients’ sales.
eCommerce Support

01  Tanja Gajić
02  eCommerce Specialist
03  Electrical and computer science engineer
04  6 years in customer support
05  Web Shop Administration
06  The biggest failure you can have in life is not trying at all
07  Loves travelling 

My goal is to provide support and help to our clients when they are using NB SHOP platform and to guide them in order to make the most of our platform and to optimize the online sale process. 
Back-end Team

01  Uroš Vasiljević
02  Junior PHP Programmer
03  Back-end Team Member
04  6 years in IT
05  Development of new modules
06  A rolling stone gathers no moss.
07  Loves music and sports, dog person

NB SOFT team gathers a team of professionals who positioned NB SHOP at the very top in the e-commerce category in this region. By working on the development of new modules, I contribute to the improvement of the platform.
Back-end Team

01 Jovana Milosavljevic
02 PHP Programmer
03 Back-end team member
04 Five years in IT
05 Development of new solutions
06 Great desire is the first thing we need to succeed. 
07 Loves dancing, books, and traveling

By improving myself professionally within the NB SOFT team, I strive to contribute to the development of new solutions and to retain the high rank of the NB SHOP platform in the scope of E-commerce.
Back-end Team

01  Rea Moljkovic
02  PHP Programmer
03  Back-end team member
04  Five years in IT
05  Development of new modules
06  There is no growth within the comfort zone. 
07  Loves sea, nature, and traveling 

Our task as a team is to justify the trust of the clients choosing the NB SHOP eCommerce platform. As a leader in the domestic market, we strive every day to accommodate our clients’ needs and to meet the expectations of end-users of our platform. My contribution lays in the development of new modules and various implementations. 
Back-end Team

01  Vladan Jovanović
02  PHP Programmer
03  Back-end team member  
04  Five years in IT
05  Development of new solutions
06  Persistence is a synonym for success
07  Loves sports

Our ultimate goal is the original solution and to help the NB SHOP platform meet our clients’ highest criteria. As a member of the NB SOFT back-end team, I play the part of improving the platform and its features. 

01  Marija Stojić
02  Product Marketing Specialist
03  Improving user experience
04  Three years in marketing
05  Accuracy as the highest priority
06  Make it simple but make it work
07  Loves mountains, woods, and stargazing

My part in NB SOFT is to make our platform understandable to our English-speaking clients and to provide concise user manuals to the webshop administrators. Besides that, I strive to improve the user experience of the clients using the NB SHOP platform and to make their work on the platform enjoyable.
eCommerce Support

01 Marko Bozovic
02 eCommerce Support Specialist
03 Customer relations and support
04 Five years eComm support
05 Webshop Administration
06 The best thing to do for tomorrow is to give your best today.
07 His hobby is music

By keeping up with innovative technologies, I try to learn something new every day. As a part of the NB SOFT team, I strive to contribute to the enhancement of the NB SHOP platform to deliver the best experience in online retailing to our clients.
Back-end Team

01  Katarina Bakić
02  PHP Programmer
03  Back-end Team Member
04  Four years in IT
05  Development of advanced solutions
06  Happiness is a journey, not a destination
07  Loves dogs, traveling and socializing

Constant development and improvements of the NB SHOP platform are important, especially in our industry. With my knowledge, I strive to contribute to the greatest possible success of our company in the field of eCommerce.

01  Dejan Filipović 
02  Web&Graphic Designer
03  Four years in graphic design
04  Master of Graphic Design
05  Development of design solutions
06  The only important thing about design is how it relates to people.
07  Loves illustrations

The goal of the design team, and me as a member of it, is to enhance visual solutions following the client's requirements and improve the interaction between the user and the website.
Back-end Team

01  Luka Ljiljak    
02  PHP Programmer
03  Back-end Team Member
04  Fifth year in the IT
05  Development of new solutions
06  If you can dream it, you can achieve it
07  Loves sports and socializing

I contribute to the development of the NB SHOP platform - with my efforts and hard work. By following the trends and development of new technologies, I'm making improvements that provide clients with a better user experience.
Administration & Finances

01  Ivana Labudović
02  Administration & Finances
03  Correct document - safe and successful business
04  Four years in finances
05  Systematic and organized
06  Order, work, discipline
07  Enjoys books and long walks

I’m committed to making NB SOFT a pleasant place to work. A place where the best eCommerce solutions are created. My goal is that our community functions smoothly because a happy team leads to satisfied clients.
Android / iOS

01  Sanja Jevđović
02  Android/iOS Programmer
03 Mobile App Team Leader
04  Fourth year in IT 
05  Development of mobile applications
06  Change for the better
07  Loves books, traveling and nature

As the trend of shopping via mobile devices is growing, the development of NB SHOP also implies top service in mobile sales. As a member of the Mobile Developer Team, I contribute to facilitating the use of web stores by developing mobile applications for Android/IOS.
Front-end Team

01  Nemanja Zečević
02  Front-end Programmer
03  Front-end Team Member
04  Fourth year in IT
05  Development of new solutions
06  If you never try, you'll never know
07  Loves sports, basketball above all

I’m transferring everything that the design team imagines to the website, intending to meet client requirements and provide users with the best experience in online shopping.
Front-end Team

01  Bogdan Đorđević
02  Front-end Programmer
03  Front-end Team Member
04  Fourth year in IT 
05  Development of advanced solutions
06  There are no shortcuts to any place worth going
07  Loves sports, music and traveling

The NB SHOP platform represents the best solution for everyone who wants to manage online sales safely and easily. My task is to ensure the adequate appearance and functionality of the website that the client wants, as well as to help my team in the most efficient way possible in performing tasks to achieve the desired goals.
Android / iOS

01  Filip Perenčević
02  Android / iOS Programmer
03  Mobile Developers Team
04  Fourth year in the IT world
05  Development of mobile applications
06  Where there's a will, there's a way
07  Watching series and playing games

In NB SOFT, I'm contributing to the development of applications. I work on meeting the client's requirements and providing users with the best possible experience.
Human Resources

01  Kristina Mladenović
02  HR menadžer
03  Master in Human Resources
04  Five years in HR
05  Recruitment, selection and professional growth of employees
06  Today is hard, tomorrow is harder, but the day after tomorrow is beautiful.
07  Loves dancing and traveling

My role is to take care of one of the company's most important resources – employees. Also, to enable the right person to be in the right place in NB SOFT. I believe that a positive working atmosphere encourages employees to do their best, so I am working on creating it.

01  Danilo Pavlica
02  Sales Representative
03  Account Manager
04  Three years in Sales
05  Sales and business growth
06  Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts
07  Discovering new places in the city for afternoon coffee with friends

The goal of working at NB SHOP is to improve the experience of our clients. In a pleasant and friendly working atmosphere, I have set myself the task of helping to further improve the already high professional level of working with clients through constant learning and improvement.  
Content & Implementation

01  Ksenija Milosavljević
02  Key Account Manager
03  Four years in client relations
04 Bachelor's degree in organizational sciences
05  Project management and communication with clients
06  Good organization is the key to success
07 Loves to shop and travel

In NB SOFT, all goals can be achieved! I strive to improve business and point out the possibilities and functionalities of the NB SHOP platform, in order to deliver a high-quality product to them.
Linux System Administrator

01  Miloš Gavrilov
02  Linux System Administrator
03  Back-end Team Member
04  9 years in IT
05  Maintenance of the IT infrastructure
06  Focus on where you want to go, not where you've been
07  Likes basketball, snowboarding and taekwondo

With new technologies and constant improvements, NB SOFT wants to be a leader in the field of eCommerce solutions. As part of the team, I work on maintaining stability and increasing system security.
Front-end Team

01  Katarina Jašović
02  Front-end Programmer
03  Front-end team member
04  Five years in IT
05  Developing innovative solutions
06  Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
07  Loves sea, nature and hanging out with her friends

As a part of NB SOFT team, I strive to enhance my professional skills and therefore contribute to development of NB SHOP platform, alongside my fellow colleagues. 
Back-end Team

01  Veljko Vulović
02  PHP Programmer
03  Back-end Team Member
04  Second year in IT
05  Developing new modules
06  Learn from the mistakes of others.
07  Loves nautics, mountain climbing and travelling. 


As a back-end developer, I focus on developing new modules, integrating the NB SHOP platform with payment systems, and enhancing its overall performance. The ultimate goal is to ensure a smoother and more efficient client experience.
Back-end Team

01  Kristina Nanušeski
02  PHP Developer
03  Back-end Team Member
04  Two years in IT
05  Developing new modules
06  You never fail until you stop trying
07  Dog, coffee and nature lover

By actively contributing to the development and implementation, I help enhance the NB SHOP platform and drive its success.
eCommerce Support

01  Marija Marković
02  eCommerce Support Specialist
03  Support team
04  8 years in customer support
05  Webshop administration
06  Nothing is impossible for those who have the will to try.
07  Loves nature and camping.

As part of the NB SOFT team, I strive to always be there for our clients and provide them with the best support. My goal is to contribute to the improvement of the NB SHOP platform with my knowledge. I aim to achieve this with my colleagues through learning, personal growth, and development.

01  Milica Panić
02  Performance Marketing Specialist
03  Digital Marketing
04  Three years in marketing
05  Digital campaign optimisation
06  You are the artist of your life. Don’t give the paintbrush to anyone else.
07  Loves movies, books and animals. 

NB SHOP is an innovative solution for eCommerce businesses of all sizes. A pleasant working atmosphere and the team at NB SOFT allow me to acquire new knowledge and develop creativity through dedication.
eCommerce Support

01  Stefan Nikolov
02  eCommerce Support Specialist
03  Customer Support Team
04  Two years in customer support
05  Webshop administration
06  To be what you really are is a privilege. 
07  Loves sports and books

As a part of NB SOFT team, I try to provide the highest quality customer support and to contribute to the development of the NB SHOP platform. 
Content & Implementation

01 Teodora Stojanović
02 Key Account Manager
03 Content & Implementation
04 Two years in IT
05 Project management and communication with clients
06 The size of the step does not matter, as long as you don't stand still. 
07 Loves pub quizzes and festivals

One of the main goals of NB SOFT is to provide a high-quality user experience. My role is to establish a strong connection between our company and clients, providing them with support throughout the project.

01 Tamara Ćalić
02 Junior PHP Developer
03 Back-end Team Member
04 Two years in IT
05 Developing new modules
06 Embrace the challenges, learn from setbacks, and let your persistence fuel your progress.
07 Loves playing board games with friends and family

At NB Soft, which stands out as a leader in the domestic market in the development of online stores, I have been given the opportunity to start my career as a Junior Back-end Developer and contribute to the further growth of the NB SHOP platform. I participate in implementing new functionalities and improving the system, contributing to addressing the high standards expected by our users.

01  Nevena Radovanović
02  PHP Developer
03  Back-end Team Member
04  Two years in IT
05  Developing new solutions
06  Work as hard as possible on at least one thing and see what happens.
07  Enjoys movies, video games and painting

As a part of the back-end team, I work on improving and developing solutions for the NB SHOP platform. My contribution is reflected in providing intuitive and efficient utilization of the platform.

01  Katarina Kalanj
02  Junior PHP Programer
03  Back-end Team Member  
04  Two years in IT
05  Developing new solutions
06  Dare to dream, dare to do.
07  Loves drawing, dogs and video games 


I am doing my best to contribute to the development of the NB SHOP platform, while working in an excellent team, comprising professionals and creative individuals, with a single purpose: to deliver optimal results to our clients.

01  Katarina Pavlović
02  Web Designer
03  Design Team Member
04  Three years in graphic design 
05  Designing websites
06  Let your fear of regret be stronger than your fear of failure.
07  Dancer, has a book review account on TikTok, loves travelling

With constant innovations in enhancing and facilitating interaction between users and the NB SHOP platform, I contribute to improving and optimising the platform through the visual presentation of websites. The combination of aesthetics and functionality is an unbeatable equation for the success of the platform itself.

01  Ana Tomašević
02  PHP Developer
03  Back-end Team 
04  Three years in IT 
05  Developing new features
06  If we don't get better, we will get worse. 
07  Loves long walking and spending time with friends and family. 

As a part of the NB SOFT team, I strive to improve my skills and to deliver innovative solutions that properly address the expectations of our users. 

01  Zdravko Smiljanić
02  PHP Developer
03  Back-end Team 
04  First year in IT
05  Developing new solutions
06  When there is a will, there is a way. 
07  Loves sports and spending time with friends

NB SOFT is a leader in developing online stores in our country and throughout the region. In the back-end team, my part is to contribute to the development and optimisation of the NB SHOP platform, as well as delivering solutions that will facilitate clients to efficiently use and work on our platform.   

01  Teodora Branković
02  PHP Developer
03  Back-end Team Member
04  First year in IT
05  Developing new modules
06  No better time than now. Today is what I have. 
07  Loves basketball, spending time with friends and travelling

Given the continuous expansion and development of the NB SHOP platform, as a member of the NB Soft team, I strive to use my knowledge and improve overall customer satisfaction. By enhancing existing modules and developing new ones, I aim to strengthen the company's leading position in the field of e-commerce website development.

01  Stefan Arsić
02  Front-end Programmer
03  Front-end Team Member
04  Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering
05  Development of advanced solutions
06  Work hard. Never give up. Be positive.
07  Loves seaside, sports and travelling. 

Behind every high-quality solution, such as NB SHOP, there is a hard-working dedicated team. As a part of the NB SOFT team, I strive to deliver high-quality solutions and contribute to the platform development, while providing the optimum user experience to both our clients and end-users. 

01  Jovan Lazić
02  Front-end Programmer
03  Front-end Team Member
04  First year in IT 
05  Developing new solutions
06  Never give up and always do your best
07  Loves movies, sports, dogs and cats

I strive to provide clients and users with the best possible user experience, by investing my knowledge, effort and hard work, in collaboration with my team members. 

01 Miloš Milovanović
02 PHP Developer
03 Back-end Team Member
04 First year in IT
05 Developing new solutions
06 The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.
07 Loves cars, sports, music and spending time with a friend

NB SHOP platform is rapidly evolving, with a special focus on expanding and improving platform features, while enhancing user experience. By developing new solutions, I contribute to bringing innovations to our platform, ensuring that NB SHOP stays competitive and delivers excellent service to its users. 

01  Nikola Veličković
02  Senior Web and Graphic Designer
03  Design team member
04  8 years in graphic design
05  Designing solutions
06  If you're going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don't even start.
07  Loves roller skating, mountain climbing, photography and music festivals. 

My contribution to the NB SOFT design team is reflected in enhancing the aesthetics and the web shop's appearance and features. My focus is to create visually appealing and highly functional user interfaces. 
eCommerce Support

01  Julijana Mojićević
02  eCommerce Support Specialist
03  Customer Support Team
04  First year in IT 
05  Webshop administration
06  Small steps lead to big changes 
07  Loves travelling and good coffee. 

As a part of NB SOFT, I am trying to learn as much as possible, gain new skills and grow with our company. My task every day is to provide high-quality customer support. 
eCommerce Support

01  Hristina Ćirković
02  eCommerce Support Specialist
03  Customer Support Team
04 Bachelor's Degree in Organisational Sciences
05  Webshop administration
06  Turn your wounds into wisdom
07  Loves movies, TV series and travelling

As a part of the NB SOFT team, I strive to contribute to the growth of the NB SHOP platform, by using my knowledge and skills to provide a pleasant customer experience to our clients. 

01  Jovana Vasiljević
02  Product Marketing Specialist
03  Master in Organisational Sciences 
04  Two years in marketing
05  eCommerce digital marketing
06  Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.
07  Loves psychology, make-up, basketball and travelling

Customer satisfaction is our top priority, and as such, the greatest effort is made to provide the best possible solution that will contribute to their business success.

01  Isidora Todorov
02  Product Marketing Specialist
03  Product Marketing
04  Master Engineer of Informational Systems
05  Spreads the word about a great product
06  A pen writes by heart
07  Loves dancing, board games and cats

The inseparable combination of expertise and authenticity that defines the NB SOFT team creates a fertile ground for the development of advanced solutions for our client's businesses and the delivery of an optimal experience for end users.
Human Resources

01  Katarina Stojanović
02  HR Manager
03  Human resources
04  Bachelor's degree in Economics
05  Recruitment and employee experience 
06  Aim for the highest; even if you miss, you'll end up among the best
07  Loves foreign languages, paints and writes poetry

My mission is to ensure that people feel satisfied with themselves, their colleagues, and their workplace. This induces a shared energy that is essential for both work and team spirit. The growth of each employee is, at the same time, the growth of the company.  

01  Marija Marković
02  Performance Marketing Specialist
03  Digital Marketing
04  Master in Organisational Sciences
05  Turning ideas into results
06  If you fail to plan, you plan to fail
07  Loves music, animated movies and nature

What distinguishes the NB SOFT team is a commitment to continuous learning. Experienced colleagues elevate and share their expertise to achieve satisfaction for clients, users, and advertisers alike. By staying ahead of the industry trends, the team delivers modern projects that stand out in the market. 
Content & Implementation

01  Mihailo Tošić
02  Implementation Specialist
03  Content & Implementation
04  First year in the IT industry
05  Webshop administration
06  A beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it from you.
07  Loves sports and video games

As a member of the NB SOFT team, I am committed to delivering top-notch, user-friendly support while continuously expanding my knowledge and skills to drive the growth and advancement of the NB SHOP platform.  
eCommerce Support

01 Jovana Blažić
02  eCommerce Support Specialist
03  Content & Implementation
04  First year in IT industry
05  Webshop adminstration
06  It always seems impossible, until it's done.
07  Loves travelling, TV shows, movies and 

As a member of the NB SOFT team, I am dedicated to continuous growth and improvement, contributing to the development of the NB SHOP platform to effectively and optimally address client needs.  
Back-end Team

01  Lazar Marković
02  Back-end developer
03  Back-End Team Member
04  First year in the IT industry 
05  Designing new solutions
06  Become who you are
07  Loves reading and cycling

My task in NB SOFT is to develop and improve the NB SHOP eCommerce platform. Our main objective is to nurture good teamwork, which is reflected in a unique, UX-optimised, web shop application. 
eCommerce Support

01 Uroš Lazarević
02 eCommerce Support Specialist
03 Support Team
04 Two years in IT support
05 Webshop administration
06 Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
07 Loves basketball, movies and travelling

As a part of NB SOFT, I would like to gain new skills in order to provide efficient support to our clients. I strive to provide clients with optimal user experience. 
System Administration

01  Darko Rosić
02  Linux System Administrator
03  Back-end Team Member
04  First year in the IT industry
05  IT infrastructure maintenance
06  Anyone who stops learning is old, whether they are twenty or eighty years old.
07  Loves sports, books and spending time with friends

My duty in NB SOFT is to maintain and optimise the IT infrastructure. 
Key Account

01  Jefimija Ristić
02  Key Account
03  Content & Implementation
04  Bachelor's degree in organisational sciences
05  Webshop administration
06  Vision paves the way, commitment leads to the goal.
07  Loves travelling, volleyball and spending time with friends

As part of the NB SOFT team, I am committed to continuous improvement to enhance and develop the NB SHOP platform. I aim to provide users an exceptional experience through innovative solutions and top-tier services.  

01  Bogdan Dimčić
02  Web and Graphic Designer
03  Design Team Member
04  First year in web design
05  Developing design solutions
06  Ars longa, vita brevis.
07  Loves travelling and cycling

In the NB SOFT team, I use my creativity and knowledge to create high-quality visual solutions. My focus is on enhancing a strategic approach while staying ahead on innovations that shape the future of the NB SHOP platform.  
QA Tester

01  Stefan Veličković
02  QA tester
03  Content Implementation
04  5 years in QA
05  Testing software solutions
06  Impossible is nothing. 
07  Loves spending time with his family outdoors, and moto sports. 

As a QA tester, I contribute to the development of the NB SHOP platform. My role is to detect and eliminate eventual errors before they reach end users, increasing efficiency and user experience by detail thorough testing and identification of the potential issues. 

01  Nevena Nikitović
02  Performance Marketing Specialist
03  Two years in marketing
04  Bachelor's degree in organisational sciences
05  Designing and executing digital campaigns
06  The greatest power is a strong will. 
07  Loves dancing, painting, books and basketball

The NB SHOP platform is a leader in bringing innovative e-commerce strategies, leaving a great impact on industry standards by delivering an elevated user experience. My contribution lies in devotion, and analytical thinking, as well as bringing new creative solutions for maximizing sales through innovative strategies and campaigns. 

01 Milica Živković
02 Junior Product Marketing Specialist
03 Product Marketing
04 BA in Economics
05 eCommerce digital marketing
06 Every day is a new opportunity to grow. 
07 Loves being in nature, running and psychology

Our goal is to provide efficient digital solutions that support our clients' growth and reaching their full potential. Our team develops new strategies that improve user experience and achieve significant results while increasing efficiency and accomplishing long-term results. 
Content & Implementation

01  Petar Nikolić
02  Implementation Specialist
03  Content & Implementation
04  First year in IT
05  Webshop administration
06  Focus on your goal and the path will become clear 
07  Loves travelling and sports

As a part of NB SOFT, I strive to provide innovative ideas and solutions to all NB SHOP users, aiming to improve the quality and efficiency of our services. 

01  Kristina Vraneš
02  Medior Web Designer
03  Design Team Member
04  Four years in web design
05  Designing graphic solutions
06  Pixel by pixel
07  Loves books, video games and skiing

As a part of NB SOFT, I do my best to bring new, innovative solutions that bring esthetics and functionality together, while focusing on the high-quality and user experience. 
Back-end Team

01  Đorđe Đorđević
02  PHP Developer
03  Back-end Team Member
04  Bachelor's degree in organisational sciences
05  Developing new solutions
06  Work hard, play hard
07  Loves video games

NB SHOP is a continuously evolving platform designed to provide users with a simpler way to manage their online stores. Through ongoing improvements and new features, the team strives to streamline every aspect of the business process for users. I am focused on learning about the platform's functionalities and system to contribute to its further development.